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Liceo “V. Vecchi”

Our high school is a “Liceo” that, as the word itself suggests ( from the ancient Greek  it  referred to  Aristotele’s school near Athens), focuses on high achievement  both personally and academically.

The Liceo Scientifico “Valdemaro Vecchi”  may not be located in the centre of Trani but that does not mean it is far away from the town main amenities. Trani is perfectly positioned on the north Apulian coast town boasting  agriculture and tourism .

Our school is  a modern, operative building, which  hosts 28 classes (more than 700 hundred students), a considerably  well stocked  school library , a very large gym equipped with volley and basketball courts and 3  really up-to-date laboratories: a multimedia one for Information Technology and any other subjects using TIC; a Science one for scientific experiments, and, a Physics one for researches and projects in Physics

Our school is attended by students  ageing  from 14(first grade) to 19 (fifth grade)  who want to learn and acquire knowledge and abilities in scientific, linguistic and philosophical fields in order to enter University.

Every year our school plans and  promotes, together with the school curricula, plenty of extracurricular activities and courses that, being based  on close relationships with local and national communities , give our students a complete framework of the life inside and outside the school.

One of the aims of  our school is the  all-round development of a student. Its purpose is to develop a student into a full, whole and integrated person whose attitudes and  mind can set launch our territory on the cultural, historical, social and economic dimension, not only in itself, but also in relationship with international culture, so  as to allow the actual “ building” of a truly European horizon.

What else?

Our curriculum is broad and balanced but refined each year in the light of national and local developments.

However, in addition to curricular activities a special attention is paid to extra curricular ones:

European PON projects: these projects are financially supported by the EU in less developed regions, like Apulia. They offer the opportunity  for  a wide range of projects and study activities that are relevant to the school curriculum but also implementing  technical and logistics equipment in schools.

Among the most important, we can list

Cambridge Certifications FCE;

development of ITC culture, school website, LIM;

-drama and music courses


sport activities (football, fencing, sailing).


Week timetable ( school year is 33 weeks)

Catholic religion Religione 1 1 1 1 1
Italian language and literature Italiano 4 4 4 4 4
Latin language and literaure Latino 3 3 3 3 3
English language and literature Lingua straniera 3 3 3 3 3
History and Geography Geostoria 3 3 / / /
History Storia / / 2 2 2
Philosophy Filosofia / / 3 3 3
Mathematics Matematica 5 5 4 4 4
Phisycs Fisica 2 2 3 3 3
Science(Biology, Chemistry) Scienze / 2 3 3 2
Drawing and history of art Disegno 2 2 2 2 2
Physical training Educazione fisica 2 2 2 2 2
TOTALI 27 27 30 30 30

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